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Pазработка и производство электронных промышленных весов и информационных систем на их основе. Проектные, строительно-монтажные и пусконаладочные работы, сдача объекта под ключ. Обучение персонала, обслуживающего весовое оборудование, в лицензированном учебном центре. Реконструкция и модернизация механических весов. Гарантийное и послегарантийное сервисное обслуживание весоизмери- тельного оборудования. Ул Сурикова, дом 6, офис 79.
DYWI Drill Hollow Bar Systems Injektoitava pora-ankkuri. Jännitystyöt, ankkurointityöt ja erikoistyöt yli 30 vuoden kokemuksella. Siltojen jännittämistyöt Kehä 3, Lahdenväylä-porvoonväylä S7 2014. Erikoistyö tuulivoimalan ankkurointi Vaasa 2011. Tartunnattomat jänteet kehä 2 siltatyö 2011.
Since 1963 the brand TENSID-CHEMIE. Stands for an innovative company whose sustained success story is equally based on advanced, premium quality products, responsible concepts, eco-conscious technologies and practical product developments. Of course, our product range is not limited to cleaning and sanitizing products. We also offer tried and tested products for a broad variety of other applications- from conveyor belt lubrican.
Since 1963 the brand TENSID-CHEMIE. Stands for an innovative company whose sustained success story is equally based on advanced, premium quality products, responsible concepts, eco-conscious technologies and practical product developments. Of course, our product range is not limited to cleaning and sanitizing products. We also offer tried and tested products for a broad variety of other applications- from conveyor belt lubrican.
Das Graffiti soll rückstandsfrei beseitigt werden. Die Oberfläche darf bei der Graffitientfernung nicht beschädigt werden. Bei Tensid Deutschland finden Sie die richtigen, umweltfreundlichen - alle Produkte sind biologisch abbaubar - und aus arbeitsschutzrechtlichen Gründen bestens empfohlenen Produkte zur Graffitientfernung. Um das Eindringen der Graffitis. Schützen nicht vor dem Graffiti.